上個星期行黃金,見到一張Samsung Evo Plus 2017年版,標明自己可以錄4K,價錢只係一百六十幾,以其他所謂4K既快咭黎講,呢張咭價錢就好似打左七折,五折,四折咁… 真係超值…
當然,一分錢一分貨,好多sd card既spec都出古惑既,標榜有幾快幾快,到最後歸根究底都係讀得快,寫得慢,對於想真正錄4K片既師兄黎講,都係得啖笑… 當然,速度唔達標又係另一個問題… 所以,買咭前網上做下資料搜集,係好重要既…
張Evo Plus 2017年版,其實在6月已經出左,我就好奇怪點解仲未有人寫對Mavic Pro既兼容測試,不過,留意到既就係,好多師兄都大力鼓吹用貴咭,並以用貴咭為榮,勁舉出好多貴咭既好處,測試網頁資料等,去FF自己用左四五百蚊買咭既事跡,當然,有米既師兄好多,我唔會話貴咭無佢既好處,但我都好提倡節儉既,如果百七蚊做到相同既效果,又何需去用三百或四百蚊黎做呢?
何況,呢啲存儲媒體只會不斷乏值,今年用百七蚊買既野,下年應該唔駛一百了… 咁何必浪費錢呢?下年用個差價再買啲時令又CP值高既咭咪仲好…
好,講左咁耐,去片先… 人生第一次youtube既教學片,之前睇就睇得多,但自己拍都係第一次,求其係求其啲架啦,但志在快手快腳咁可以推到條片出街,造福人群,我相信都一定會有師兄想買呢張咭比Mavic用… 但心大心細…
同埋,另一樣對youtube幾滿意既係,加字幕功能幾好用… 加左字幕,就可以照顧埋啲唔識廣東話既人啦!(好似好勁好多人睇咁 ORZ) 我始終覺得通過search engine,總會有啲外藉人士都搵緊呢個測試既…
Around 3:30 a.m. on Sunday at Dongkou Market, the primary source for
pet dog meat, the majority of the outlets were actually peaceful as well as black other than a
tiny slaughterhouse.
Hurrah! After all I got a web site from where I know how to genuinely get valuable facts regarding my study
and knowledge.
then only a few have reached us
Since manuscripts are subject to deterioration
bride, Julie d’Angenne.
Since the era of Charlemagne
The most common form
which is carried out by the printing
from lat. manus – “hand” and scribo – “I write”) ]
bride, Julie d’Angenne.
or their samples written
55 thousand Greek, 30 thousand Armenian
monuments related to deep
Europe, and in Ancient Russia
handwritten books were made,
“Julia’s Garland” (fr. Guirlande de Julie)
Century to a kind of destruction:
Europe, and in Ancient Russia
Western Europe also formed
new texts were rewritten
Century to a kind of destruction:
bride, Julie d’Angenne.
Europe, and in Ancient Russia