前兩日, 再一次收到蘋果app store reject的訊息, 真令人氣結…

8.1 We found that your app does not comply with the Guidelines for Using Apple’s Trademarks and Copyrights , as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.
Specifically, your app includes Apple trademark name “Apple” in the app name in an inappropriate manner: 蘋果監視器
It would be appropriate to revise your app, app name, and /or marketing text to address these trademark issues.
話說第一次submit呢個app, 係主打監視apple store內既新產品開賣情況; 不過就正因為呢個理由… 被蘋果拒絕了… 原來條文內有禁止用程式extract任何apple.com既內容…
無計啦, 邊個咁得閒去刨晒所有terms & condition先去寫app丫… OK, 呢個無問題… 我覺得都合理…
今次被reject既原因, 又話我個app名用”蘋果xxx”… 侵犯到apple既商標喎… 真係激死…
當然啦, 個app本身係用黎監視蘋果website, 當然個名又係叫”蘋果監視器”… 第一次被reject後, 將佢重新包裝, 變成可以監視任何網頁既監視器, 諗住過到骨… 見個名都幾吸引, 當然想留用啦…
最後, 唯有將個app名由”蘋果監視器”變成”網頁監視器”… 唔會再被app store reject啦掛?!
由最初好期待個app上架, 至到而家… 已經無乜所謂… 佢再reject, 咪又改下黎submit囉, 反正the new ipad監視潮已過… iphone5又有排都未開賣…
大把時間慢慢等, 慢慢tune好個app佢…